Misc thoughts – Posted in Alkhobar Saudi Arabia on May 23 of 2024 updated May 25 of 2024


Meanings of word Escape vary with the context.

In legal terms word Escape is used when some one goes out of the justification of authorities after proven wrong doings to avoid consequences/punishments/etc. And person becomes absconder or fugitive. (I am not lawyer, there may be different opinions about it).

But same word “Escape”  is also used in non-legal terms when some one goes away temporarily to avoid the problems, difficulties, threats, danger or to avoid hazards, or weather etc. Escape in this context has no legal implications and person is not considered absconder. But people still use the word Escape in gossipy conversations. Those who do not understand the context may take legal actions, which is wrong. After causing harm to innocent people they will say, sorry we made a mistake because we were allowed by such n such person to make a mistake (mistakes under protection by position of power).

People use vehicles model “Escape” manufactured by “Ford motor company”,  should they be charged to Escape in a vehicle.

Something to think about.

May 25: Social media groups such as facebook.com, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, messenger, RC chat etc., and others are just virtual chat groups not physical groups. A physical group is one where people were seen sitting around a table with some common attributes and interests otherwise not. Physical and non- physical presence determines wether a group was physical or virtual.

May 25 of 2024: Clarification for the purpose of completeness and clarity in records keeping that when I worked on contracts for KFUPM and HTAL (Honeywell In Jubail) my Citizenship was Pakistan and my Iqama was on a Passport issued in Pakistan. Where as when I worked for Sabic IBN Sina (National Methanol Company) in Jubail during Y2K project my Citizen ship was Canadian and my Iqama was on my Canadian Passport. And also that my name on my Iqama and Saudi Driver’s license was written in Arabic language as “.   خالدمحمود    ” , my eldest son’s birth certificate was written in Arabic language because he was born in Dammam vilada Hospital, which was later on translated in English language.

One of the words used to oppose or retaliate is “to counter”. This terminology is used in specific circles among people of certain level, specialized training and ideology who try to counter arguments with retaliatory steps, who try to counter facts/truth with an opposing opinion or action to the common people. If the techniques of countering were used against or in matters with position of power, or among politicians, or against policies matters, than it will make sense, but when such techniques were used against ordinary and powerless people than it becomes questionable and human rights matter due to malicious intents behind such techniques. They just try to counter every thing instead of resolving the issues, believing that problem will disappear by itself if you sit on the problem for a long time. But the wisdom would be to believe that you can not live longer than the truth.

Published by

{Khalid Mahmood}       خالدمحمود  KM


Apt 504.

75QQ+XG Al Khobar Saudi Arabia 34446

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